New Plants and a year later

Wow, it has been a while, Changing your complete lifestyle is way harder than you think. We have honestly gone through a roller coaster of events and diets since our first jump into being vegan. We did have setbacks and got sucked in by seafood, thinking we would bounce back fine after one cheat meal. We were wrong, which lead us back to meat. We were more cautious about the meat we purchase. We check if the meat produced is ethically, sustainably caught, and free-range with no antibiotics. Which we were able to tell a complete difference in the quality of the meat we ate. Our natural lifestyle continued. We are still finding new natural homemade recipes for household items and beauty items. With the diet change, we did notice our oldest going through more tummy issues along with my husband. Izarra (our oldest daughter) started having bile issues. The problem she was having lasted for a few months. I noticed when we were vegan; she did not have those issues. So we decided as a family to clean up our diet once again. We knew we did not want them suffering anymore. So currently, we are not vegan, but we have transitioned to a diet that is 90% vegan. We still have seafood every once in a while.

How have the girls been?

Izarra (4) and Xemina (2) have been taking to the natural remedies very well. They enjoy helping me make the recipes. They are growing up very fast and are finding a new love for gardening. We have started growing a few plants together, including their favorite fruit, “Sandia” (watermelon). So they are pretty excited to watch it grow. As I grow as a gardener, I see them following behind me, becoming mini plant lovers. The only hard part is finding a plant they cant kill from drowning it! They light up my day; seeing their independent personalities develop makes my heart smile. Kids grow up so fast; when they grow up, we wish they were little again, so we can hold them as we used too. Stay tuned for some vlogs into our life.

How have we been?

After a few health issues and reality checks, we are taking steps forward to grasp a hold of our life. A lot has happened mentally, physically, and emotionally with us and relationships with our families. We went through moments of growth multiple times over again. We still have a lot of personal growth to do & creating a new lifestyle that works for us is a top priority.

What’s new?

We do have a new addition added to our family, named Noir. She is an adorable black stray kitten that surprised us in our yard. She could have been no more than 4/5 weeks old at the time. My girls and I were outside mingling with our neighbors when she wandered into the yard. She was small and adorable; we all could not help ourselves but pick her up. At first, we did not decide to keep her we tried to put her closer back to her home where she came from; instead, she kept running across our busy neighborhood street back to our home. We assumed the mom must not have been around at the time, and we did not want her in harm’s way. So we took her in as our own. We never owned a cat before and have not been around one so young before. We did not know what we were getting ourselves in-to. Fast-forward to today a month and a half later, she has grown and became apart of our family effortlessly. The girls love her, Kimani (our dog) has surprisingly taken to her very well. Our dog Kimani is always on alert mode and runs to see what Noir is up to When She is mischievous. She is a sweetheart and honestly sleeps for 99% of the day. We do still let her roam outside. She is very comfortable and does not run from the house once let out. She has very high energy for the one-two hours she is up during the day it gets hard to keep up with where she is at half the time! We love her and are very glad because ever since we rescued Noir, we have been finding more dead kittens on our street and the main road next to the street. We are happy she will not end up in that situation.

Enough about us, what are some things you have been working on in your day to day life? And what challenges have you been facing towards it?

Posted in Lifestyle, Parenting, Self.

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