Surprises of the Second Trimester

Whoohoo! You made it past your first trimester! Now, some of us hated it, some of us just making it, and some of us just breezed through with no issues! Yea, we all wish that last part was us. So now that baby is getting bigger and most of us are probably poking out at this point. If not and you’re still in the chunky bloat phase just hang tight girl! It’s Going to pass soon.  During this time frame, you just wake up with a bigger and bigger bump as the time passes.


The second trimester was when I craved the most food! Now, I know they tell you to eat healthily and this and that but honey you’re pregnant, enjoy your pregnancy don’t skimp just because you feel bad about feeding baby junk food. If you have a fast metabolism go ahead and eat what you want it’ll melt right off anyway. If you have a slower metabolism you can indulge too but just moderately, if you are worried about getting the weight off later post-baby. Now for the moment of truth. I had very very unhealthy cravings but I also had some healthy cravings.


  • Red candy apples (yes the ones you get at fairs and carnivals )
  • Starbucks iced coffee 6 packs (the ones you buy from the store)
  • Blue raspberry calypso
  • Chocolates


  • pineapples
  • apples
  • oatmeal
  • salads w/ chicken
  • strawberries
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • turkey sandwiches
  • grilled onions

I had more healthy than unhealthy and had lots of Mexican tacos which are my favorite. My husband is Mexican, by the way, and we would go by his moms’ house all the time and I would stuff my belly with elotes, tamales, pozole, carnitas, stew, && fajitas honey I was grubbing like no tomorrow. It was my go-to favorite but snacking wise my cravings was my weakness. I did gain weight from it but not much for concern. I didn’t have the best diet and my baby came out perfectly fine. I didn’t develop gestational diabetes or anything like that.

I did have issues with my sugar dropping at random. Now I’m not sure how common this is but I want to warn you that when you start having these problems warn your doctor and if it starts getting life-threatening, switch doctors it’ll be worth it in the end. Which brings me to my next issue.


Ladies, don’t feel pressured to stay with the doctor you started with just because they know your current history and have been with you from the start. If you don’t like your doctor or don’t feel they are taking you into consideration or the things you say, LEAVE and find a new one! I had so many issues with my OBGYN just because I was afraid of getting a new doctor. It was my first time pregnant and he was the first doctor I picked as my gynecologist when I moved to Dallas, Tx and the only one I had. Overall he was great but as an OB  he wasn’t the best. He hardly kept up with how far along I am (which isn’t a real issue considering he has many other patients). He disregarded most concerns I had and didn’t make me feel reassured that I was okay. I always felt like something was wrong and he never fully checked. When I was having issues with my sugar dropping, He made it seem like it was normal and I was fine. In all actuality, I would be at work passing out/falling out behind the register. My legs would give out on me and I would lose feeling in my arms and hands and shake really bad. And he still told me nothing was WRONG! Like how SWAY? Things like that are red flags that you need to swap doctors!


I also gained a lot of weight towards the end of my pregnancy and was swelling really bad. Which is a symptom for this time frame but this swelling was different. My body was slowly looking like it was going to explode and I was gaining weight really fast drastically each week. I asked my doctor his concerns and he claimed nothing was wrong and that I didn’t need to gain any more weight. I later ended up in the ER and was told I had preeclampsia.
Now, I had three weeks of the same issue and my own doctor didn’t even try to let me know or even do a test to diagnose me. But he accepted the diagnosis after they tell him what they believe I have. This is an example of why I say get a better doctor for you and your baby. It’ll be so worth it.


Another symptom this month are crazy dreams. During this time you may have dreams of what your baby looks like and the experience may feel super real. Or dream of odd things that you know can’t possibly happen but feels incredibly real and you wake up wondering. Many things may make you dream crazy things just from what your conscious is thinking about. For example, I was afraid of being a bad mother, plenty of times and on a few occasions, I had dreamed that I had left my baby somewhere or something happened to us while riding out late at night. My dreams would taunt me a lot especially nightmares. I had plenty of nightmares of a clown trying to kill me while I was pregnant also. I have no clue why. So if you have more vivid dreams like peeing in a dream but not peeing on yourself in real life don’t be alarmed it’s very normal.


The second trimester is very chill in my opinion if you are not having any major health issues but it a very exciting time to find out what you are having! With my first, I had to wait a super long time because my doctor didn’t think I wanted the early ultrasound and didn’t do my gender scan until 29weeks! I was extremely mad and I ended up giving birth not to long after. With my second we found out early at 16weeks. Definitely ask if you can find out early. If not be very patient my friend lol

LETS TALK: what has been your food cravings?

COMMENT BELOW: how far along are you? And what are you having or hoping for if you haven’t had your gender scan yet?

Posted in Parenting.

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