Enduring the First Trimester of Pregnancy


Okay, if you’re here you’re probably feeling a little clueless about what to expect during your first pregnancy. Or by chance, it’s been a really really long time since your last pumpkin came along. Either one, I’m here to help get you through your first trimester of pregnancy! So grab some snacks and a drink because we may be here for a bit!


My experience the first time around I had the works! You know, the PMS symptoms? Yea those. I was hoping I didn’t have any of them. My body gave me the exact opposite! I ended up having bad morning sickness which wasn’t fun at all. Especially, when you feel like you’re going to throw up everything you had in your belly but don’t; or when you finally start feeling better and decide to eat something you’ve been craving, just to dry heave it up before it even got to hit your stomach. Don’t worry if you haven’t gone through that yet or at all, you are blessed, my girl. Trust me it’s not fun. Although, you read in the books and online that it clears up after around the 14th week or so; it doesn’t happen that way for everyone. With my first, it lasted until my third trimester. Not to scare you but it’s definitely possible to have it way longer than they tell you, but keep your hopes up! I have experienced pregnancy more than once. With my second child, I can say I rarely had morning sickness and that pregnancy was more of a breeze than my first!


Now back too it! Another thing I did go through this time was the infamous implantation bleeding everyone is looking for when they use the bathroom. That reference is mostly for my TTC ( trying to conceive) mothers out there! But for us nonplanners, I did happen to notice it one day while I was in college during a trip to the bathroom after my classes. Now, I must warn you our pumpkins wasn’t planned but they weren’t being prevented.  Just to let y’all know what standpoint I’m coming from. So, I can’t say if you will have it or not because it’s kinda hard to catch unless you know your situation such as Actively TTC, TTC without active pressure every month, or like me and my husband taking whatever life gives us by not protecting but not preventing. I honestly thought I was getting my period but once I noticed it never came that day, I realized what that light pink discharge was. Now with my second, I don’t recall seeing any implantation bleeding. But she was my rainbow baby (baby after a miscarriage) and we definitely weren’t expecting her. So don’t be frightening or feel less pregnant if you haven’t experienced it. You probably have and may have not noticed.


Another symptom to look out for is CRAMPS. This should have been first because of how much it scares everyone. I am here to put that to REST! Okay, so I have had 2 born babies and a miscarriage. One was premie(my first) and the 2nd full term.  Now I will tell you CRAMPS ARE NORMAL; Please don’t let it scare you but don’t be afraid to ask questions also. My first pregnancy, my cramps hurt like hell and believe me I thought I was dying. Now that I’ve experienced labor! Girl those cramps are nothing compared to labor pains lol so do your best to have a hot pouch or heating pad (which was my favorite); Which feels amazing if you are pregnant during fall/winter time. Having those and taking a nice hot bath will help your body get comfortable and lighten up your pains. They will happen on an off throughout your pregnancy as your baby grows bigger. Now for the people afraid of miscarriage or going through scares; I have been through one after I had my first baby and our baby stopped growing at 7weeks and I was 10 weeks once my body naturally miscarried. I’m letting you know this because if you are afraid or having light bleeding with cramping don’t think of the worst get checked out and keep getting monitored because you may pull through. For my case I was put on bed rest but I was taking care of a toddler and I didn’t have full luxury of taking that full advice but I did stay in bed as much as possible. But the cramps I got during the miscarriage was closer to labor pains NOT period pains. It may be hard to realize at first but once you are actually going through it you will understand the intensity differences.  So you know whether to panic or not.

SN: (If you have any personal questions on miscarriages just send me an email or leave a comment below. This is a safe haven for all mothers and mothers to be even the TTC community so please feel comfortable asking any question we are here for each other no matter the situation.)


Okay, a symptom I didn’t have to often that many say they have is peeing more often than usual. Early on I honestly didn’t have this problem until my second trimester when my baby was much bigger in my belly and always decided to rest her little body on my bladder. With my second child, I did have this issue but it was mostly from me having a bladder infection constantly off and on throughout my pregnancy and I also had protein in my urine as well, which caused me to go very often even when I barely had much to let out. So, ladies, it’s easy to try and be the woman that doesn’t want to call her doctor every symptom she feels but if something really does feel off or your gut is telling you to get something checked out. Don’t question it and just do it.


Bloat will come immediately, I don’t care how big or small you are or how far along you are the bloat will be there taunting you. Each time, I was bloated up until my baby took up all the space in my belly and didn’t have the room to be bloated anymore. The good part is that if you have a small frame it does help make you look like you have somewhat of a “bump” peaking through although you are probably not fully showing yet. The bad part is that if you are more average and not super thin it can just make you look either more chunky around the waist or just bigger overall which definitely isn’t a good look either way in our woman eyes lol. So luckily for us, the days of pregnancy fly by and the baby grows so fast that that phase is pretty short compared to the rest of the time you have pregnant. So enjoy it while you can or cover up if it’s a secret until your 12 weeks are up. Either way, you will be super happy once your real bump starts shining through!


The biggest elephant in the room is the mood swings that you don’t realize you have until you hurt someone’s feelings out of nowhere. Now, I can say mood swings are a pain but come in handy at those events or parties you don’t want to be at anymore. Perfect excuse to leave lol but in all actuality, they are pretty serious especially if you end up more depressed versus just going up and down. Once you go down and you have been down for a while longer than usual and your thoughts are more negative. Contact your doctor because it can hurt you more than having regular ups and down especially if your situation isn’t the happiest for you. We all go through different things and are pregnant through different situations and those mood swings can affect your outlook on things. I’ve had my fair share of pregnancy depression along with postpartum depression. It took a toll on me physically, mentally, and emotionally. Having depression is not fun and needs to be handled with care. I didn’t realize I had it at first. I mistakenly thought it was just post-pregnancy baby blues but it wasn’t and it never went away and I had the same thing happen to me again with my second but it was worst but that’s a whole post on its own! If y’all want me to post about dealing and getting over PPD along with my full experience, let me know in the comments below or email.

If you’re still rocking with me up until this point you’re a real one! And I hope I enlighten your thoughts and helped you learn what to expect during your first trimester of pregnancy and How to pull through when going through new symptoms. Everyone has different experiences, including me, considering both of my pregnancies were very different and almost completely opposite. So take what you can and have a peace of mind that everything will be okay!

LET’S TALK: Anyone in or just gotten over the first trimester? What symptoms did you experience and which one did you hate the most!?

COMMENT BELOW: What was your favorite wise tale when guessing the gender?

Posted in Parenting.

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